Saturday, July 19, 2014

Reflecting On The First Half Of 2014

     As it is now the middle of July, I thought now would be a wonderful time to reflect on all of the things that have happened in my life so far this year. In case you didn't know I finished my junior year of high school this year and in about a month I will be starting my final year which is kind of surreal to me. Hopefully it doesn't come too fast though as I'm enjoying the summer and don't want it to end.
     This year has been a very busy, up and down year for me so far. At the beginning of the year, the two beautiful children that my aunt and uncle were fostering went home to their family which was a very hard adjustment for my entire family considering they lived with my aunt and uncle for about a year.

     As the year progressed, things became more dramatic. I still don't want to discuss the situations out on the Internet but it's okay because everything is better now. I'm extremely happy with my life right now and I couldn't want anything else. (other than maybe a guinea pig and clothes. Clothes are always nice) I finished up my junior year, went to prom with my amazing boyfriend, somehow managed to pass my History End Of Course exam, I turned 17 and took a week long trip to Ohio to visit my wonderful family last month. In some ways my summer has been uneventful, but it's also been very relaxing which I am very thankful for. I'm looking forward to starting my senior year (I will be making a separate blog post about how I feel about that) and taking on the stressful but fulfilling journey that will come with my final year of high school. 
     I am so thankful to be blessed with an amazing family and a wonderful group of friends whom I hope to remain close with for the rest of my life. They are part of the reason that this year has been so great.

To finish out this post I will leave you all with some of my favorite pictures from this year so far.
Love you lots!

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