Monday, July 14, 2014

A look inside my mind at 1 A.M.


     It's probably not very "professional" to start writing a blog post with absolutely no idea in mind of what I want to write; but who says my blog has to be professional? I don't get paid for this. I'm very tired right now, but I have things to do. Things to write about. Videos to edit. I don't do this very often, the whole staying up late thing. My choice of bed time usually ranges from about 10:30 to 11:30. I am an 80 year old stuck in a 17 year old's body.
     I wish that I could be one of those people who says "What's the point of sleep? It's just more hours of your life gone to waste." Although I do love sleep so much and part of me wishes that that is what I could be doing right now, I do, in some instances, agree with that state of mind. But in my honest opinion, if I didn't have anything productive to do at this hour, I would be too bored to stay up this late. While during the day I watch my fair share of Zoella videos for the 10th time and try and catch up on the episodes of Gossip Girl that I am literally years behind on, I would be too bored to have those as my only options to do in the night. Listening to Ed Sheeran's beautiful voice will just make me even more tired so that's not even an option for me.
     Is this post strictly about sleep? Wow, okay. I really don't even care if anyone reads this, this is strictly for my own entertainment at this point. Well my video editing for the night is gone and now it is 2:18 in the morning so I think it's time for me to go to bed. Thank you for reading my random thoughts. I promise my other posts will be more exciting. Well, we can only hope.

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