Friday, July 18, 2014

Behind A Username

     I just filmed a video today about this subject but I am a lot better at saying what I really want to say through writing. When I'm speaking I just start rambling and lose track of what I'm really attempting to convey. It basically just becomes a jumbled mess. This is where I draw the line between my YouTube channel and my blog. I realize that not all of my blog readers are subscribed to my YouTube channel, if any of you are at all. Therefore, a lot of subjects might be repeated. So if you happen to be both one of my subscribers and readers, I hope you still find a way to enjoy both of my interpretations of certain subjects.
     Cyber bullying is a very important subject that I decided needed to be discussed as much as possible so of course I felt the need to include it on both of my most important communication devices (basically a fancy way of saying social media networks.) To me, cyber bullying, as well as bullying in general, is something that's hard to understand if you haven't experienced it. It just doesn't make sense to me why people feel the need to tear down other people, especially people that they don't even know, for absolutely no reason. A cyber bully is just someone hiding behind a username tearing someone else down. Why? What does it gain them? Does it make them feel better about them self? I'll never understand. Maybe I don't even want to understand.
     Putting myself on the Internet as I do is very risky. If you're someone who wants to start doing YouTube videos or writing a blog, I don't want this to scare you, it's just something that you need to be aware of. There are going to be people who love and support what you do and there are going to be those who do the opposite. I don't think there will ever be a person that walks this Earth who is truly loved by everyone that knows them. The world is filled with ignorant and judgmental people and unfortunately, I don't believe that will ever change. People aren't going to understand how your hobby can be the Internet and they will be quick to judge you for it.
     About a year ago I uploaded a rant video talking about a song that I thought was completely over the top and disrespectful. In the video I discussed how disgusting and obnoxious it is that people make false, offensive, accusations and think that it can be counted as humor. Well, this video was shared onto the Facebook page of the guy who wrote the song. He was criticizing me on the caption that he put with my shared video and I didn't know about it until one of my subscribers brought it to my attention. I then went to his page to find out that he shared my friend's video with disrespecting words for her as well. I stupidly started scrolling through the comments on my video and I was absolutely disgusted. The things people were saying about me were terrible and just despicable. Apparently, according to some lovely commenters, I started the Holocaust. Maybe it was meant as a "joke," but that is something that should not even be joked about let alone made as accusations. I received these Holocaust comments for at least 2 or 3 months after deleting the video.
     I deleted my video because after the songwriter shared my video, the comments started coming to my channel and other videos. I tried to report the songwriter on Facebook, and of course, Facebook did nothing about it. At first, I laughed at the ignorant comments but after the comment number started turning from hundreds to thousands, it just got to be too much. For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to read through every single comment searching for the few good comments from my subscribers (my subscriber count was low at this time so this was difficult.) When the good comments became harder and harder to find as the negative comments kept multiplying, I had to delete the video.
     Luckily the comments from that video have ceased but there are still occasions in which I get comments from people either putting words in my mouth or just completely misinterpreting something I've stated in a video. This is going to happen; you have to accept it if you want to do this kind of thing. I hope none of you go through an attack like I did, but you're going to have comments where people misunderstand you or they just want to insert their opinion. Basically, whenever you come across this, be the bigger person. If someone is being rude in a comment to you, just calmly respond to their comment and don't be rude back. Try to avoid the drama as much as possible. I didn't make my YouTube channel for the rude people. I made it for myself and I'm continuing it for the little group of almost 500 people that I absolutely adore. With every rude comment there's about 10 other wonderful comments that can make me smile no matter what.
     Though it may be difficult sometimes, don't let words get to you. Just keep your head up and continue doing what you love despite the opinions of others. Unless doing what you love involves illegal activities, then that's not really recommended and you might want to listen to the opinions of others. On a serious note though, if any of you are currently struggling with any situation of cyber bullying or if you deal with it in the future (although I hope you do not) I am 100% here for you. We can talk about it on Twitter, YouTube, anything like that and I will try to give you the best advice that I can because I love each and every one of you.

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