Saturday, January 31, 2015

Exploring Your Hometown

     I know a lot of people take their hometown for granted. I used to do the same. All I could think about 2 years ago was getting out and going somewhere exciting. Now, I'm starting to see the beauty of the city that I live in. Though it still may not compare to Brighton, England or New York City, it's still very beautiful. 
     I've finally gotten to that age/that mood, whatever you want to call it, where I appreciate little moments way more than sitting home watching tv/videos. A couple of weeks ago I was staying with my grandparents for the weekend and my grandpa and I just decided to drive around town looking for spots to walk along the water to kill time before my grandma was scheduled to get off work. Being honest with you, that was one of my favorite days of this past month. It was nice just to be able to walk around places that I love, surrounded by beautiful scenery, talking with my grandpa. And over winter break, my cousin and I went to the beach at like 10:00 pm and waited for my brother and his friends to meet up with us. We were on the beach until 1:00 am just throwing a frisbee around and having loads of fun. No technology needed. Although we did have a speaker playing music.
     That's an ideal day for me. Just being with people I love, doing the simplest things. We don't even have to go shopping or spend any money whatsoever. I'd be happy just driving around town all day with someone I love next to me. Whether that be close friends, family, or a boyfriend, if I had one. There's so much to do where you live if you just explore it and appreciate it. You might see something beautiful.


  1. I was recently thinking this about my hometown. We recently had a blizzard and there was snow all over the place. I felt like I was in Frozen. The scenery was just beautiful. Me and my little brothers decided to play in it. Honestly, i should really appreciate home in New York. I am now beginning to love it.

  2. I find this inspirational! Do you mind if write a post about my hometown? I will link my post to this one, and give credit to where it is rightfully deserved. If you don't mind. I will not copy you, I simply just love the topic. This post is just so touching to me.

  3. I'm so glad this inspired you! That means a lot to me. And I don't mind at all, I would love to read your post! :)
