Monday, January 11, 2016

In Real Life by Joey Graceffa Review!

     I've decided that on this blog I would love to start reviewing/just stating my thoughts and opinions on some of my favorite books. I finished reading In Real Life by Joey Graceffa about 3 days ago and it has been on my mind ever since. That's how you know a book is empowering and leaves a lasting impact on your life.
     In In Real Life Joey brings the reader on a journey throughout his entire life thus far. He shares personal stories such as struggling with an alcoholic mother to being bullied for sexuality assumptions. I personally loved this book, not just for the insight into Joey's life and journey; but because throughout the book, Joey includes his own life advice for his readers and YouTube viewers.
     Throughout Joey's rise to Internet fame, he has stayed true to himself. He has and will always be an incredibly hard worker and he will never lose sight of his past, all while still trying to better his future. He realizes that his YouTube viewers are what got him to where he is now, but he also takes deserving self-pride into his own accomplishments.
     I will without a doubt read this book a second time at some point. This story has brought me a whole new level of admiration for Joey Graceffa. If you haven't read this book, you should give it a shot. And if you somehow have never seen any of Joey Graceffa's videos, you should definitely watch them.

                                                                                                                                      Love you lots

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