I'm reading a book right now called The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. Don't worry, this isn't going to be entirely a book review in case you're not into those kind of blog posts (although, I would like to start doing more of those on this blog.) However, I would like to talk about it with you for a little bit.
I have heard about this book before via YouTubers. (Meghan Rienks, maybe?) However, I really had no idea what the book was about. At the time of finding out about this book, I was probably not into self-help and mental health as much as I am now. (Joys of pre panic attack life.) I was actually at a flea market when I got this book and picked it up solely on the title, not really knowing anything about it. The Happiness Project - doesn't that sound like something everyone should read? I would let all of you borrow it if I could.
While I'm not even half way through this book, it has already had a major impact on my way of thinking. Like The Fault In Our Stars, for me, this book has definitely given me a new perspective on how I should live my life.
This book travels through the steps and monthly resolutions to complete Gretchen's Happiness Project. Rather than making resolutions at the start of the year, she sits down each month and writes down her resolutions that she wants to accomplish during each individual month so as not to overwhelm herself with an array of unrealistic goals.
Most people take things day by day. Whatever happens, happens. But what's wrong with a little planning? Like Gretchen, the ideal way to set goals is to do a monthly plan rather than a list of 20 things at the start of each year that you'll forget about in the first month of the year. New Year's Resolutions only last until January 2nd in most cases. If you sit down on the first day of each month making a list of about 5 simple, but important, things that you want to change or improve in your life, wouldn't you have more motivation to accomplish them? I would.
Make your monthly resolutions things that you will better your mentality and, well, happiness. If something is stressing you out, get rid of it or get through it. Don't make your resolutions materialistic things such as "buy a new car" or "upgrade my phone." Sure, those things will make you happy in the beginning, but sooner or later, you're going to want a newer car or a newer phone and, once again, you will be unhappy with the one that you have.
Mental health is so incredibly important to me and it's so sad to know that there are so many people in this world who are genuinely so unhappy with their life and constantly anxious about every little thing (me.)
My hope with my own happiness project is that focusing on happiness rather than anxiety will eventually help me to lessen my anxious tendencies. I am going to start my own happiness project promptly on May 1st. No, it might not be at the start of the year, but I encourage all of my readers to do the same. We've only missed 4 months of the year, there's no need we can't start now.
On the first day of each month I will post my 5 monthly resolutions right here on this blog and I encourage you to do the same in the comments. I would love to do this project with all of you.
Only we can control our own happiness. xx
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