Thursday, December 31, 2015

Creating A "Happy New Year"

     Woah, do any of you remember me? I am going to assume that for most of you, the answer is probably no. And for that I have to apologize. That is entirely my fault. I have let so many things slip through my fingers throughout the course of 2015 and unfortunately, this blog fell onto that list. For that, I am incredibly sorry.
     But I'm back. I am back with a bang louder than the fireworks you are currently hearing outside your window and will continue to hear until 4:00 in the morning. Like those lingering fireworks, you will be so sick of me by the end of 2016. And yes that is my goal. Not to push you away, but to constantly be there. Whether you are a regular reader of my blog or you just happen to stumble through my posts possibly searching for something. That's what I want. I want my blog to house advice, opinions, my own personal experiences, things that I love, and basically just whatever I come up with when I sit down and make my fingers go to work. (By that I meant typing, not other weird activities that fingers do. Moving on.)
     2015 was not the best year of my life by any means. Mentally, it was the worst. I will spare you and myself the horrific, flashback-prompting details, but for a while I was not myself. I've slowly gotten back to that which is why I'm ready to thrust myself into this year.
     You can create 2016 to be whatever you want it to be. About 2 hours before the wonderful ball in Times Square was lowered, I was having lots and lots of anxiety about this new year coming up. I then started talking to one of my best friends who basically slapped me in the face with a wake up call. You can make this year whatever you want. I've always scoffed at the idea of "new year, new me" but I might be starting to understand. I've always believed that you can change your life or any aspect of it whenever you wanted. No day has to dictate that. But I do understand the opportunity that the ringing in of a new year brings for change. If there's something that you've always wanted to do, just do it. (Oh hey Shia.) Absolutely nothing is stopping you from doing that. Don't make New Year's Resolutions for the fun of it just to feel like you're setting a goal for yourself. If you don't think you'll have the time or even the energy to work out more, don't set yourself that goal. Because if there is an obstacle that presents itself and you can't complete that resolution to the standard that you have set for yourself, then you'll start feeling insecure. That's where the bad mental health kicks in.
     Each of us is in charge of our own happiness and we know what will and will not work for us in making sure we stay happy. Wanting to be happy is not selfish. It's healthy. It's essential. If there are people that you had to leave behind in 2015, that's okay. People can be very toxic. Toxins destroy you. You may have some wonderful memories with that person and that is fine, but that doesn't mean that they are good for you overall. Hold those memories close to you forever and remember the good times you had. You don't have to feel hate towards someone who is no longer in your life.

     At the end of this post I just wanted to include some of my favorite pictures that have captured some of my favorite memories of 2015. I won't caption them at all. I want you to interpret your own stories as to what each of the pictures mean or capture. I also am going to encourage you to leave some photos in the comments of this post so that I may imagine my own stories as well. And leave your New Year's Resolutions in a comment below as well. I would love to scroll through and read some. I hope everyone has a lovely and safe 2016.
