Friday, September 19, 2014

Feeling Grateful...

     I've been thinking about a lot of things recently that I believe are so important and I think all of you should be aware of. There are so many teenagers, adults even, that take so many things for granted. I am 110% guilty of this. There are a list of such simple yet such important things that I take for granted on a daily basis and I'm sure that my readers do this too. It's so important to be aware of everything that we're blessed with because there are so many people on this Earth that are not as lucky. A lot of discussions in my classes this week have been reflecting on this subject and it just inspired me to write about it. I'm not going to apologize for this blog post being so long because that's exactly the point. It needs to be long. I'm thankful for so many things. When I came up with the idea to write this post, I thought about waiting to post it until Thanksgiving, I'm sure you understand why, but I can't wait. We're not guaranteed tomorrow and these are things that need to be said.

My family has been with me through everything and I know that they are always my biggest support system no matter what.

I am convinced that I have some of the best friends in the entire world. They've put up with me for years and I still don't really understand why, but I'm so thankful for that. They've all been with me through a lot, we've laughed together and cried together and I have so many amazing memories with each of them. We're each other's therapists and I love them so much.

Music is something that I use as an escape, a hobby, and something that is definitely very important in my life. It astonishes me that somehow songwriters can paint pictures of every emotion imaginable in lyrics. It's beautiful. I'm so thankful for the concerts that I've been to and the ones that I'm going to in the future. Concerts are very hectic and stressful but they are also amazing experiences. I love seeing thousands of people coming together for a few hours singing along to their favorite songs together and supporting an artist that they all love.

I'm grateful for John Green's works that have had such a huge impact on me. No other author's books that I have read have had the impact on me that John's has had. His stories have truly changed the way that I look at life and I'm so happy for that. He is also part of the reason that I'm writing this post. And the reason that I hope to make an impact on people with the stories that I hope to write.

Of course there's the little things that I take for granted on a daily basis. I'm grateful that I wake up every day with a roof over my head and food to eat. I'm lucky to have a closet full of clothes to be able to wear. I'm grateful for the days when it gets chilly in Florida and the days when the leaves are on the ground. I'm thankful for Christmas time, staying inside with hot chocolate and Elf on repeat. I'm thankful for summer time when I can relax and don't worry about school work. I'm thankful for the teachers that I will never be able to forget as long as I live. I'm thankful for my YouTube subscribers and blog readers that never cease in making me smile. I'm thankful that I've woken up every single day for 17 years whether the days are good or bad, I'm thankful that I have the privilege to live them.