Sunday, August 17, 2014

Last Year Of High School

     I can't believe that as I'm sitting here typing this, tomorrow is my final first day of high school. Yes, I am a senior and no, I am not as excited as I should be. I'm kind of almost dreading it. I don't know what it is I just haven't felt as upbeat and positive as I usually do. Which makes me really upset. I don't know what exactly I'm going through right now but I'm really hoping it ends quite quickly. Part of me just feels like I want my future to start now and just start the rest of my life. I know I need to enjoy my senior year to its fullest potential, and I intend to. Who knows how many of these people I will ever see again after these 180 days come to an end.
     I don't know why I'm in such a sad mood. Maybe part of it is because I'm uploading a vlog from my last fun day of summer. I just can't help but be upset that starting tomorrow I won't be able to see my best friends or boyfriend as much as I'm used to. I thought this would be my easiest year of high school but instead I'm anticipating it to be one of my hardest. I don't know what to expect with my classes as I don't know many of the teachers and I don't know of anyone who has the same classes that I do.
     If any of you are going into your senior year of high school, please try to enjoy it. I keep telling myself that I shouldn't be upset about things that I have no control over. I need to make as many memories in high school while I still can. I don't want to look back on my senior year and remember being sad all the time. I want to have fun memories with the very few friends that I have at my school.