Thursday, June 19, 2014

"Our Little Infinity"

     Hello everyone. I hope you haven't forgotten about me. I planned to catch up on Pretty Little Liars tonight, but I like my choices of sitting down and writing for you guys so much more. I've been in a really deep and inspirational mood lately and I don't know if it's because I've seen The Fault In Our Stars twice in a span of about a week or not, but I'm sure that has something to do with it.
     I didn't intend to make this post about The Fault In Our Stars, but I guess in a way it kind of reflects on it. I'm not going to talk about the story, I'm going to talk about the lesson. Everyone, I'm sure, has their own interpretations and ideas about the book/movie. The obvious lesson is that love can survive even when we do not, but what I think about the most after reading the book 3 times and seeing the movie twice, is that we only get one shot at life. That might seem kind of harsh and scary, especially if you're Augustus Waters and fear oblivion, but oblivion is inevitable. None of us are going to be remembered by everyone.
     Whether you're loved by 5 people or 500 people, you're still loved by someone. And in some really sad cases, I know there are some of you out there that feel like you're loved by no one. If you are one of those people, then I can assure you that that is entirely false; because I love you. This is the part where you think to yourself "You can't love me, you don't even know me." But I do love you. I love you because you're taking the time to read my blog. If you've discovered my blog because you're subscribed to my YouTube channel, then I love you for watching my videos AND reading my blog. While I may not be able to love you completely, I love something about you. I love you because there's not enough time in the day or month or year for me to do anything but love you.
     That's another thing: time. John Green says in The Fault In Our Stars that time screws everybody. But in my opinion, it's just the opposite. Time is a gift. You never know how much time you have left. As much as I hate to say this, and as much as it scares me, none of us are guaranteed tomorrow. I can make a lifetime of TFIOS references, and trust me, I will try, but all of us are grenades. One day all of us are going to blow up and obliterate everything in our wake and we're all going to try to minimize the casualties. I can assure you that there is no one that I love who I ever want to see hurt, but it's unfortunately going to happen, and it pains me to say that. Hopefully it happens a very long time from now, but it's inevitable. We have to make the most of the time that we get and we can't spend it complaining that we want more time. Again with a TFIOS reference, but I think I finally understand what Van Houten means. "Some infinities are bigger than other infinities." Each and every one of us has our own infinity. We won't know how large our infinity is until we get to the end of it. We have to make the most of our infinity because nothing is bigger than infinity, except for other infinities.
     If someone asked me if I would rather be loved by 1,000 people or by 10 people, I would choose 10. Some of us strive for fame and fortune and while that's the ideal dream in some cases, the story of Hazel and Augustus have completely changed my opinion on that. I would much rather be loved deeply than loved widely. When someone is loved widely, it's more like a mass of people love the idea of you. But the feeling of knowing that you're loved deeply by just a selection of people who mean the world to you is, to me, a feeling that can't be replaced.